Thursday, May 26, 2011

  • Reflecting back to my earlier posts, it was only until yesterday that I realized my post about the symphonic melody of India's traffic patterns, was in itself, withholding. How could I write two sequential posts that contradict each other so much? Walking through Chandri Chowk I thought (out of nowhere), "wait, if drivers rely on honking for driving, then how would the Deaf drive?" The shame and humiliation I felt at the moment was strong. I talk so much about fighting for the Deaf, my Deaf pride, and how we all need equal rights; yet the Deaf community did not instantly affect my thoughts concerning driving in India. I wonder why that is...perhaps its being removed from the community? I don't know, but I don't like it. For crying out loud, the drivers take off their side mirrors here because of all the sly shifting and weaving in and out of traffic that they do. How on earth would a Deaf or hard of hearing person be able to transport themselves? I mean, of course its possible, and I'm sure some do, but its probably one of the least safe things they could do. So as I rave about the sounds and magical behavior of India's traffic, I ask myself, would it be worth it to give that up so that everyone had the equal opportunity to drive? Hell yes. But, its a part of their culture, their way of life...something I'm very keen on preserving for any and all cultures. And to input actual traffic regulations here would be damn near impossible, do-able, but pretty damn difficult.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Alyssa,

    What an insightful post. Thanks so much for sharing -- these are exactly the sorts of reflections that makes travel so fascinating!

    Keep up the good work,

