As many people may know, I am extremely proud to be a CODA (child of deaf adults). It has made who I am today and the person I will continue to grow into. Living partially in the Deaf world has afforded me many life opportunities and experiences not many people are fortunate enough to have. Today, being a CODA and fluent in sign language saved my life...well, not exactly that dramatic, that was just fun to say.
Originally the owner of my hostel was supposed to arrange a ride for me from the airport to the hostel, which didnt exactly work out. After being instructed to take a police taxi, which does not mean a police car, but rather a toy car that's on its last life. And considering I only know 5 words in Hindi and most of them are swear words, communicating with a driver that didn't speak English was going to be a bit tricky. Once I was at the metro station the owner promised to come pick me I waited....and waited...oh, and waited some show. Just as this creepy old man was giving me the eye while moving towards me blowing a balloon, I saw two men speaking sign language!
BINGO BANGO! They were speaking Indian sign language, but by the grace of Buddha, we were able to communicate. I got access to a phone and a ride to the hostel. See kids, moral of the story, either get Deaf parents or learn sign language...or both! It might just save your life.
You need to tell our kids these things. Now. We'll fly you back for a one-week seminar. It will save OUR lives...